What smokers must know about Life Insurance purchase [Presentation]

Because life insurance is often an important part of a financial plan, it’s important to understand what to expect if you are a smoker. Cigarette smoking is inherently linked to health issues and other smoking-related diseases.
And you don’t have to already have health consequences in order to get stuck with higher life insurance rates if you smoke. Simply being a smoker will usually push you into higher rates when you shop for life insurance. Here’s everything you need to know if you are a smoker looking for life insurance.
Contact our financial advisors if you are looking to buy life insurance as a smoker
Thinking about getting a life insurance plan? Get in touch with our financial advisors. Our experienced financial advisors will assess your situation and come up with the best plan for you at the highest value for your money. Affordable and right within your budget with the maximum possible coverage – that’s what we promise. Free consultation and zero obligation.
Also, don’t forget to check our blog sharing tips to buy life insurance as a smoker.