
Liver Diseases and Life Insurance – Here’s what you need to know

/ Life Insurance / May 3, 2023

If you are diagnosed with liver diseases, you might have thought of what your options are as far as life insurance is concerned. A person with liver disease may be insured depending on the severity, but not in all instances. Liver diseases are of many different types – as a result, the chances of getting […]

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Is Term Life Insurance really worth your money?

/ Life Insurance / Nov 8, 2022

Short answer, yes. If you are on a budget, term life insurance is the way to go. Wondering whether life insurance is worth your money or not? Yes, it is – especially if you have loved ones relying on your financially. Life insurance helps to protect your family financially in case the worst happens to […]

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Should you take a Mortgage Insurance or not?

Don’t put your dependents through financial hardships of a mortgage if something happens to you. Mortgage Insurance can take care of them for you! Mortgages can put undue stress on spouses and dependents left behind in case of death or disability. Mortgage Protection Insurance gives peace of mind knowing they’re protected when they need it […]

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What to Consider before becoming Self-employed

Being self-employed means being in control of your work and earning an income through independent contracts with businesses, instead of getting paid a regular monthly salary by an employer. Self-employed people typically fall under three categories: Independent contractors who are business owners or freelance workers. Unincorporated sole proprietorships where there is only one owner. Business […]

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7 Benefits of Buying Life Insurance with Disability Benefits

/ Life Insurance / Sep 7, 2022

Life insurance with disability can be an important part of your financial and estate planning process, especially if you have dependents who rely on you financially. To many, buying life insurance with disability benefits seem like a no-brainer, but others might consider it to be unneeded or too expensive. Here are some of the main […]

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Does Term Life Insurance cover disability? [Presentation]

/ Life Insurance / May 22, 2021

Just because you have term life insurance, it doesn’t mean that your life insurance coverage is going to cover everything. Does your term life policy cover disability? Let’s see.  Contact our financial advisors to purchase a custom life insurance plan that is the best fit for you  Thinking about getting a life insurance plan? Get in touch […]

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